Jill Guinness


Jill has been married to Joel for 26 years and together they have three awesome kids - Nate (18), Bethany (16) and Tyler (11). Jill and Joel are natives of Canada (you know it, eh?) and have lived in Nashville for 20+ years.

Jill is a Nursing Supervisor at Ascension Saint Thomas Midtown where she has work as a Nurse in some capacity since moving to Nashville. Jill loves coffee, gardening, outdoor fitness activities (especially hiking, kayaking and biking) and spending quality time with friends. The Guinness family came to Fellowship Nashville from Fellowship Bible Church in Brentwood where Joel was on staff for 16 years.

Faith Story

Jill is thankful to have grown up in a Christian home. She always knew of God's unconditional love and came to trust in Jesus as her Savior at a young age. God used Youth Group, Christian summer camps and two years studying at a Bible College as discipleship tools in her life. As an adult, she has come to cherish God's word and prayer, and continues to grow in her faith through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Jill has experienced the faithfulness of God first-hand and is certain that He is trustworthy in all things. Jill's deepest prayer is : "God, may your kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven" - asking God to transform her life, her family, this city and this world into His likeness as we await His return.

Colt Mansfield


I grew up just south of town in Spring Hill back when it was all just farmland. I slowly migrated north in my early 20s and now live in 12 South with my gorgeous wife, Ashley. We just celebrated 3 years together in July of ‘21. Professionally, I work in Information Technology for a company that installs commercial security, access control, and video surveillance systems. I love all things adventure and outdoors. In fact, I had the pleasure of dragging Mark Irving up Half Dome in Yosemite a while back.

Faith Story

I grew up in a loving, God-fearing home and saw my parents sitting with their coffee, reading their bibles just about every morning that I can recall. I prayed to receive Christ at 11 years old, but it wasn’t until my mid-20s that my faith really started to take shape and become my own. God surrounded me with Christian brothers and sisters that have really been a blessing and source of strength. Community is what brought me back from going my own way in my early 20s, and it’s still what I love most about walking through life at Fellowship Nashville.

Gus Andolina


Originally from Alabama, I moved to Tennessee in 2018 to marry my amazing wife, Jesi. We have the joy of raising our son, Caleb. Even though I work for a tech company, I sometimes think that my true calling was to be a history teacher. I’ll gladly chat about it with you sometime. If I’m not at work, you can usually find me on the disc golf course, watching either Auburn or any of the Pittsburgh sports teams, or cheering on my wife’s cross country team.

Faith Story

I was adopted when I was four days old by two wonderful, Christ-loving parents. They instilled in me a love for the local church and helped me see the church as a way God shapes us more and more into the image of Jesus. However, it wasn’t until I was around 8 years old when I truly understood my sinful condition and my need for a savior—the Savior, Jesus Christ. I’ve been spending my life growing in my knowledge, appreciation, and affection for him, while also being reminded constantly that it’s not my grip on him that matters, but instead, it’s his grip on me that holds firm even when I don’t fully understand how he’s using circumstances for my good and his glory.

Wes Chick


I spent the majority of my life in the great state of Texas before moving to Nashville, TN in early 2018. I enjoy traveling the world, boating, fishing, hiking, and meeting new people. My Mother moved to Nashville as well in late 2020 and we are trying to make a go at living together again after 35 years. God love her for putting up with me! I have worked in the health care sector for well over 30 years now starting out in the cafeteria at Providence Hospital in Waco, TX where I also graduated from Baylor University – Sic ‘em Bears!

Faith Story

We were not a Christian home, but I found Christ through a friend of mine who invited me to church, where I put my faith in Jesus at a Church camp when I was 12. My whole family came to know Christ as well, but after college I turned towards the world and felt like I knew a little more than God, and tried to forge my path on my own terms. That hiatus lasted about 25 years before I fell to my knees one day in desperation asking for the God of my youth to show me a way back to Him. It was not an easy path, but I ended up placing my identity in Christ alone on May 18, 2015 and have not looked back. I am not a perfect Christian but I am making progress as I walk through this life trying to become the man He created me to be.

Kelly Gallagher

I am 57 years old. I have been married to Judy for nearly 35 years (in October). We moved to Nashville from New Jersey in August of 2019. I have two adult children - Emily and Ethan. Our daughter was married last August and just gave us our first granddaughter this month!I have worked at Ingram Content Group in the publishing business for the past 8 years, and have worked in the publishing industry for more than 30 years. I enjoy fishing, working out on my Peloton bike and reading a good book.

Faith Story

As a child I grew up as a nominal Catholic. I was transformed and began a life-long commitment to learn, live and work for God. Shortly after starting my first post-college career job, I met a woman who seemed genuine and interested enough in me to accept a date. While driving her home, she told me she attended a small evangelical denomination, and would I like to go with her that Sunday? In (the) message he indicated that the text of verse 8 could be interpreted that “while we were at enmity (at war) with God, Christ died for us.” This impacted me to the core...
From that point on in 1985, I was transformed and began a life-long commitment to learn, live and work for God. It was at (a) moment alone in my car at the corner Cave Creek Road and Thunderbird Ave in Phoenix, Arizona that I asked Jesus for forgiveness and gave my life to Christ.That woman who first introduced me to Christ has been my wife now for 35 years and together we have endeavored to keep our relationship strong in faith through Jesus Christ. Today, I recognize I am still an imperfect man who is continuously forgiven and extended grace by a perfect Saviour. I also recognize it is my responsibility to take that grace and extend it to others in all ways - whether through good works or sharing the Gospel with others. That my connectivity to Him is best fulfilled through personal prayer, scripture reading, meditation, and by gathering in worship with other believers. Beyond my calling to be a Christ-centered husband, father, and friend, I strive to use my gift of leadership for the good of His kingdom, both for the local church, and by ongoing involvement in global Christian programs.

Jordan Woodruff


Jordan was born a Texan and bred a Tennessean. He and his wife, Jackie, have been married for 5 years and they are the proud parents to a little redheaded girl named Annie. A proud University of Tennessee alumnus, Jordan enjoys watching Volunteer football and basketball, spending time with family, exercising, and watching a good movie or tv show. He currently serves as Chief Lending Officer for Cumberland Capital Partners, a company that partners with banks to provide financial resources to underserved communities.

Faith Story:

Jordan grew up in a christian home, the son of a Preacher and a Youth/Women's Minister he was at church every time the doors were opened. At the age of six, he came to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. However, it would take several years before he fully grasped what a daily walk with the Lord would look like. In high school, Jordan attended Passion in Nashville. It was at this conference that God helped him understand that he needed to live for something bigger than himself. Through Passion, Jordan began to grasp the meaning of Isaiah 26:8 "Yes, Lord, walking in the way of Your Truth, we wait eagerly for You, for Your name and Your renown are the desire of our souls." Seeking to live out this verse, it has been through periods of both spiritual highs and lows that God has developed him into the man he is today, teaching him that complete reliance on God is the only way to find true fulfillment.