Nav20s will be meeting throughout the summer! At each of these Tuesday gatherings, we are going to enjoy a meal and bring in a guest speaker to share their testimony after dinner, specifically emphasizing the four main Navigators 20s topics: Christ, Work, Community and Mission. Mark your calendars for June 29th at Corey and Sally Cleek’s (5327 General Forrest Ct. Nashville, TN 37215) from 6:30-8:30. We hope you can make it and bring a friend! This will be a great time to reconnect and get focused on eternal things together!
SPEAKER: Barrett Ward is the founder and CEO of ABLE, a lifestyle fashion company whose mission is to end generational poverty by providing economic opportunity for women.
PARKING: Park at the bottom of the driveway in the cul-de-sac and along the street. There will be vehicles to shuttle up the driveway to the house. Or if you're up for a work-out, feel free to walk up the driveway to the house!